Lecture Modules for

Lecture Modules for

FRSP_coverAbout the Lecture Modules for
Fundamentals of Radar Signal Processing

MarkA. Richards





A set of over 100 lecture“modules” is available to accompany Fundamentals of Radar SignalProcessing (FRSP).  A module is ashort set of lecture slides, typically 6 to 12 slides (but a few are as long as25 to 30), on a single narrow topic. Several modules are used in sequence to create a lecture on a largertopic.  The complete list ofmodules, along with a small number of sample modules, is available here.


This set of modules is fromthe most recent offering of Georgia Tech’s ECE6272, “Fundamentalsof Radar Signal Processing”, which occurred in Fall 2008.  The modules follow the book closely butnot exactly; there is some material in the modules that is not in the book, andvice-versa.


The modules are in the form ofMicrosoft PowerPoint (.ppt) slides. They were prepared on a Windows XP machine.  Equations were created using MathTyperather than the Microsoft Equation Editor. They can be edited only if MathType is installed.  Some slides may not display properly onMacintosh or Unix machines due to issues with fonts and picture formats.  A very few characters in equations maynot display properly on machines without MathType.  While a handful of modules usePowerPoint animations and a still smaller number utilize linked video files,the large majority are static slides.


The full set of modules isavailable on request to instructors of courses that have adopted FRSP.  The modules are provided subject to theterms a CreativeCommons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 License.  Requests for the full set should bedirected to the author at mark.richards@ece.gatech.edu.